
Showing posts from August, 2020

Suffering from Sleep Apnea? – Symptoms and Solutions

  Keyword - Sleep Apnea mask in delhi, sleep study test in delhi, best sleep specialist in delhi, sleep apnea device India “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” — Benjamin Franklin. We have been told this throughout our lives but with the current lifestyle of the individuals, early to bed will not be enough to get a good night sleep. There are multiple sleep disorders like Insomnia, Sleep apnea which interrupts the quality of sleep we get. As per a study conducted a few years back, nearly 95% of Indians are facing sleep disorders and Sleep apnea is one of the common and rising health problem in India. To help in resolving this major sleep issue there are multiple Sleep apnea device India . What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea is an involuntary suspension of breathing that occurs while the patient is asleep. Most of the people are not aware that sleep apnea might be the root cause of several other major health disorders. Sleep Apnea Symptoms ·